Section: New Results


P2P network monitoring

Participants : Thibault Cholez [contact] , Isabelle Chrisment, Olivier Festor.

Finishing a work started several years ago with our colleagues from the team Complex Network (http://www.complexnetworks.fr/ ) at the LIP6, we published a final result on the comparison of paedophile activity in different P2P systems [5] . We designed a methodology for comparing KAD and eDonkey, two P2P systems among the most prominent ones and with different anonymity levels. We have detected paedophile-related queries with a previously validated tool and we proposed, for the first time, a large-scale comparison of paedophile activity in two different P2P systems.

We are also glad to have contributed to a book chapter in french on the uses and misuses of digital identities on the Internet [33] . It summarizes several years of work of the team, fighting against the Sybil attack in P2P networks in order to improve their security and quality of service.

Anonymous networks monitoring

Participants : Juan Pablo Timpanaro, Isabelle Chrisment [contact] , Olivier Festor.

Anonymous networks have emerged to protect the privacy of network users. Large scale monitoring on these systems allows us to understand how they behave and which type of data is shared among users.

In 2014, we continued our research about the I2P anonymous network (http://i2p2.de ). This network is optimized for anonymous web hosting and anonymous file-sharing. I2P's file-sharing community is highly active with users deploying their file-sharing applications on top of the network. I2P uses a variation of Onion routing, thus assuring the unlinkability between a user and its file-sharing application. In [26] we took the first step towards the linkability of users and applications in the I2P network. We conducted a group-based characterization, where we determine to what extent a group of users is responsible for the overall I2P's file-sharing activity. We used Pearson's coefficient to correlate users from two cities and the most used anonymous file-sharing application.

Smartphone usage monitoring

Participants : Vassili Rivron [contact] , Mohammad Irfan Khan, Simon Charneau [Inria] , Isabelle Chrisment.

Over the last few years the number of smartphone applications has increased enormously. In 2014, we passively collected smartphones usage logs in the wild by inviting the crowd to participate in the PRACTIC (http://beta.apisense.fr/practic ) contest and install our crowdsensing application to contribute anonymous smartphone usage logs, voluntarily and in the most natural settings (their own phone, own pricing plan) .

Complementary to sensing we also collected contextual information (social, demographic, professional) and information about users'perception via survey questionnaires built in the application or on the web.

This experiment used a crowd sensing platform called APISENSE ®(http:///www.apisense.com/ ) and developed by the Inria Spirals Team. It was carried out in the context of building a country-wide Internet observation platform in France, called Metroscope (http://metroscope.eu/ ).